From 0-1000 followers on X in 26 days

First things first. Many, MANY people publish guides like this one and charge money for it. I find that rather silly so I’m not charging anything for this. It’s thanks to the amazing community that I am where I am so I’m just giving back so that others may achieve the same thing.

However, if you feel that this guide or any other content I have produced is useful to you I would be more than happy to accept a donation. It will help me take care of my family and motivate me to keep pushing out more relevant content for you.

With that said, please don’t feel obligated to donate. It’s completely optional. No pressure whatsoever!

This is a ‘living document’. I will update it regularly as I gain new insights! Bookmark it for future reference.

About the author

Hello and nice to meet you. My name is Marco van Hylckama Vlieg

Welcome to the thrilling creation story of my X account, @AIandDesign, a hub for all things AI and its magical connection to Product/UX design, my field of professional expertise. My journey with AI began at Google, where I worked on UX prototypes for a project called ‘Magenta.' Imagine feeding a melody to an AI and watching it compose more music to harmonize with the input. Basic by today's standards, yes, but it had me hooked! From there, I created advanced UX prototypes with the Cloud AI UX team at Google and dove into voice-driven conversational UX at Walmart Labs.

Fast-forward a few years, and here I am, enamored with tools like ChatGPT, Midjourney, and RunwayML. I've been exploring these extraordinary new technologies in my role as a Product/UX designer, and I'm as excited as I was when I first discovered the internet back in 1992. Generative AI has my heart racing, and I can't help but think that endless and exciting possibilities await us. Buckle up, and let's dive into how you can achieve mind-blowing growth on Twitter. The adventure is just beginning!

Creating a brand new account

Now that you know a little bit more about my background, let’s dive right into how I achieve this insane growth rate on X.

It all kicked off on July 17th. Feeling the need for a fresh start and a razor-sharp focus on the things I adore – AI and Design – I created the account @AIandDesign. Though I've been on Twitter (now X) for over 16 years, my original account stagnated around 3300 followers, held back by a lack of focus and energy spent on things that didn't truly matter. Now was the time to start anew, avoiding past mistakes and channeling my excitement towards what I love.

The first 10 days or so felt like an uphill battle. I was crafting content that made me proud, yet the follower count barely crept past double digits. It was frustrating, but I knew this fresh start was a challenge that even the famous ones face.

Then came the game-changing decision to sign up for Premium, once known as Twitter Blue. A quick note here: you can't sign up right away to prevent spam, so expect a short wait (10 days for me, but your experience may vary). And about that blue checkmark? It's a love-it or hate-it thing. X is even working on letting you hide it. But regardless of how you feel about it, trust me – Premium gives you a vital edge. The algorithm favors it, and growth without it is like climbing a mountain.

With determination, I continued creating content that resonated with me. Slowly but surely, people began to notice. Every new follower was a small triumph, fueling my journey forward.

We’re in this for the long climb to the top

Then, on August 12th, the moment arrived: 1,000 followers in just 25 days! The thrill was incredible, but this success story isn't just mine; it's a path that you can follow too.

Are you ready to embark on this journey? Stick with me, and together we'll explore the strategies, the trials, the triumphs, and the steadfast hope that turned my dream into reality.

Let's grow together!

Core strategies

Embarking on this growth journey wasn't about chasing numbers; it was about building connections, sharing passions, and inspiring creativity. I realized early on that true growth comes from offering something valuable, unique, and authentically me. It was about engaging with my community in ways that matter, ways that resonate, and ways that inspire. With this guiding principle, I focused on three core strategies that not only fueled my growth but also fostered a real connection with my followers. Let's dive into these three pillars that transformed my X experience:

0. Create the entire account, all of it

I labeled this “0” because I consider it a total no-brainer but it appears that some people may be missing this anyway. Add an avatar, preferably with your face on it. People like to see you’re a real person. Add as nice banner image. The size is 1500x500 pixels. Create something nice. If you’re not good at doing this there are many places on the internet where you can download ready made banners. Finally, write a bio text that properly explains the focus of your account. Take some time to get this right. You only have 160 characters. Make them count.

My bio on X

Everything is there. An avatar image, a banner containing some additional text to entice people to follow me and an optimized bio text. If you have a website or another relevant URL you can add it to your profile as well. Never link to it in posts. Refer to to it with phrases like “link in my profile!” instead.

1. Creating Valuable Content My Community Wanted to See

A. Harnessing Midjourney for Captivating Imagery: I knew what my followers loved – AI and Design. So, I turned to Midjourney, generating images that were not just beautiful but telling stories. I always included the prompts that led to these creations. It felt like I was inviting my followers into my creative process, sharing not just the art but the journey behind it. Note that this particular strategy relates to AI. If you’re building your account with a different focus of course you’d replace this with something that aligns with your own subject matter.
B. Regularly Posting What Matters: I focused on what I loved and knew my audience would connect with. Every post was a piece of me, something I believed in, and that sincerity resonated with my community. It’s important to note that when I use the word “regularly” I don’t mean you have to post as much as humanly possible. Quality trumps quantity every time and there’s always tomorrow to post more things. Not posting every great idea you have on one day will also help you build a list of things to post about on days you have fewer inspiring ideas. The most important thing is that you consistently post new content. You can miss a day occasionally but try your best to be present on the platform with at least a few posts every day. 

2. Sharing Cool Images and AI-Generated Videos

Exploring Innovative Video Content: I tapped into the magic of AI for creating mesmerizing videos. It was like painting with a new palette, fresh and exciting. My followers were fascinated by these unique creations, and it felt good to be at the cutting edge. Again, this is AI focused but with that said, using a lot of images and videos is a good idea no matter what the focus of your account is. The X algorithm favors visual content.

3. Tips on Using ChatGPT

Many of my followers share my fascination with AI-powered tools like ChatGPT. I decided to break it down, offering practical tips and insights. I wasn't just sharing a tool; I was opening a door to possibilities, and that felt empowering. Again, if you’re doing something that doesn’t involve AI, smart and unique insights are appreciated by all audiences. Everyone will love to learn from you!

4. Offering Tutorials, Tips, and Tricks

A. Creating Real Value with Tutorials: I knew I could provide more than just content. I started sharing tutorials, not just quick glances but in-depth guides. It was like inviting my followers into a classroom where we could explore and create together. That connection was genuine and fulfilling.
B. Serving Up Timely Tips and Tricks: I loved sharing quick tips and clever tricks. It wasn't about flaunting knowledge; it was about making things easier, more enjoyable. Seeing my followers benefit from these insights was rewarding in a way that went beyond likes and retweets. One thing you can do to enhance this particular activity is to create a basic schedule. For example you could have as #FreestyleFriday titled calendar event in which you post an example of a new and exciting prompt style at a scheduled time on Fridays. If you don’t have time at any given exact time of choice you can write it in advance and use the scheduling functionality on X to have it go out at the exact date and time of your choice.

Follow these strategies for explosive growth

By focusing on these core areas (valuable content, images and videos and  tips and tricks)  I didn't just grow my follower count; I built a community. We weren't just numbers on a screen; we were fellow enthusiasts, learners, and creators. Together, we explored, celebrated, and grew. And the journey has only just begun. All these things added to my growth but I’d like to emphasize on the fact that so far the most successful of all has been the thing that’s also the most work: tutorials. Everyone will LOVE to learn new things from you. There are no shortcuts here though. You’re going to have to put in the hours!

Additional factors that will help you grow your account

1. Becoming a "Reply Person" Through Meaningful Interaction

I learned quickly that superficial comments wouldn't cut it. I wanted to build relationships, not just rack up comments. So, I engaged, adding new insights, writing encouraging notes, and sparking thoughtful discussions. This wasn't just about being seen; it was about being part of a conversation, connecting on a human level, and creating a vibrant community. Recent changes to the algorithm confirm everything I just wrote in the above: human interaction is rewarded by the algorithm. If you say something insightful in comments under a post and the OP likes your reply or even responds to what you said, you’ll get a boost! It’s a win-win situation for everyone.

2. Creating a Unique X Community

My passion for product and UX design using AI led me to form a community specifically for enthusiasts like me. This wasn't about mimicking what's already out there; it was about filling a gap, offering something fresh and new. In a matter of days, our community grew to 50 members, each one contributing to a thriving, shared space of knowledge and creativity. This helped me establish myself not just as a participant but a thought leader.

3. Embracing X Spaces

X Spaces offered another exciting avenue to engage with my community. While I'm still in the process of launching a weekly show, the potential here is thrilling. It's not just about speaking into the void; it's about creating a space where voices are heard, ideas are shared, and connections are forged. I'm expecting great things, and I can't wait to see how this new venture unfolds.

4. Crediting and supporting Others & Lifting Each Other Up

There's a golden rule that I followed closely: give credit where credit's due. I never wanted to build my success on someone else's ideas. Instead, I recognized and celebrated the contributions of others. By lifting them up, I found myself rising too. It's a philosophy that goes beyond X; it's about integrity, respect, and community.

5. Embrace Small Accounts: Grow Together

It's easy to get star-struck by the big accounts, but I realized something vital: every large, successful account started small, just like mine. Focusing only on the giants meant missing out on the rich tapestry of voices that make up the X landscape.

I made it a point to engage with other small accounts that I found valuable and inspiring. This wasn't about quick gains; it was about building friendships, supporting each other, and growing together. These connections often turned into meaningful relationships, proving that size isn't everything. By embracing these smaller accounts, we lifted each other up, learning from one another and celebrating our collective growth.

Grow together. Some may grow a little faster than others but eventually we can all achieve our goals.

This approach reinforced the sense of community and collaboration that was central to my journey. It's a reminder that on social platforms, connections matter more than numbers, and genuine interactions are the foundation for true growth.

In summary, my growth wasn't just about tactics and strategies; it was about authenticity, engagement, and respect. These additional factors didn't just boost my numbers; they enriched my X experience, turning followers into friends, likes into connections, and retweets into meaningful conversations.

By focusing on what truly matters, I was able to achieve not just growth but fulfillment. And I believe, with passion and authenticity, you can too.

Avoid These Pitfalls: Learning from Mistakes

Navigating the complex landscape of X can be a minefield, especially when you're trying to grow your audience. Here are some of the mistakes I made in the past, and I'm sharing them with you to help you steer clear of making the same ones.

Avoid these common mistakes or you’ll regret it.

1. Steer Clear of Politics

Politics can be a polarizing subject. Engaging in political discourse can alienate a significant portion of your audience. It's best to keep your content neutral to foster a more inclusive community. So unless politics is the core topic of your account: Don’t post about it nor engage in political discussions in your comments.

2. Keep Content On-Platform

Whether it's videos, images, or articles, make sure they're hosted on X. The algorithm tends to suppress posts linking to external sources. Directing people to a URL in your profile is fine, but avoid posting external links in your tweets.

3. Mind the hashtag

Using more than one hashtag can cause the algorithm to flag your post as spam. Be mindful and selective about the hashtags you use, keeping them relevant and minimal.

4. Curate the accounts YOU follow

Over-following can lead to an unbalanced profile. Make sure to follow only those who truly add value to your journey. Followers should be earned, not given out indiscriminately. It's not about numbers; it's about quality and relevance. If you follow irrelevant accounts, your feed will get polluted and unfocused. Only follow accounts that post things you truly appreciate. It’s also been said that following a lot more people than the amount of people following you can be detrimental to your growth. I have not seen any concrete evidence of this but it’s worth keeping in mind anyway. An account that follows 2500 people but only has 50 followers certainly does have an air of spam and inauthenticity. It’s absolutely ok to not follow back everyone who follows you. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

5. Don't Overlook Small Accounts

I mentioned this earlier but it’s worth mentioning again. The temptation to interact only with big players is common, but don't forget the smaller, valuable accounts. Encourage, boost, and support them, and they'll likely do the same for you, resulting in growing together. Remember, we all start with zero, and these relationships can be the most rewarding in the long run.

6. Avoid Negativity

While negative comments or controversial topics might spark discussions and impressions, they often do more harm than good. Advertisers and a broad audience may shy away from negativity. Keep your content positive, constructive, and engaging.

7: Mute, Don't Block

If you come across content that you find displeasing or triggering, the best strategy is to mute rather than block. Muting allows you to curate your feed without losing potential engagement. Blocking could reduce your reach and opportunities for interaction. If a post bothers you, the algorithm allows you to see fewer posts on that topic or from that author, providing you with more control. Remember, the tools are there to help you shape your feed to match your interests and comfort level without compromising your growth potential.

Closing Notes

My journey to 1000 followers in just 25 days was no small feat, and it's something that you can achieve as well.. While the road may seem daunting, it's filled with opportunities to learn, grow, connect, and thrive. My experience is a testament to the fact that with determination, creativity, and a genuine love for your community, you can reach new heights. Even if your journey is not progressing as fast as mine did, don’t give up. Keep at it. Everything you’ve read in this guide can and will work for you as well. I promise.

Ready for this journey? Hop on the train!

Remember, it's not about chasing numbers but building meaningful connections and offering something unique to your audience. Your passion and authenticity are your strongest assets, and they will shine through in everything you do. Whether you're just starting out or looking to rejuvenate an existing account, the strategies shared in this guide can be your roadmap to success.

But you're not alone on this journey. If you have any questions, need a bit of guidance, or just want someone to cheer you on, I'm here for you. Feel free to reach out to me anytime; my virtual door is always open. Together, we can explore the endless possibilities that await you on this exciting path. Let's grow together and make your X dreams come true! 


Creating an UX practice for an AI company that lacks one


Character consistency in Midjourney