Creating an UX practice for an AI company that lacks one


Marco van Hylckama Vlieg

VP of Product Design


I'm not the VP of Product Design at Midjourney. They do not have one. I'm not even sure they have dedicated UX designers right now. But I'm going to pretend I am the VP for a while and tell you what I would do in that position to build a killer UX practice that would make Midjourney even more awesome than it already is.

As far as I know, my favorite AI product in the world does not have an UX team. This is a real shame because I believe Midjourney has an absolutely fantastic product but a bad user experience. At the moment Midjourney feels like a product built for and by generative AI enthusiasts. People like you and me. Anyone else would probably not have the faintest clue where to even start when trying to use it.

The worst part of the Midjourney user experience is the fact that the entire thing runs as a Discord bot. Not that there’s anything wrong with Discord per se, but a lot of people do not know how to use it and therefore won’t be able to use Midjourney. I know there’s a web UI in Alpha but at the moment that’s not accessible to anyone except for hardcore users (you need more than 10k images generated) and to be honest, it’s not a lot better than the Discord user experience anyway. 

With that said, I’m not going to talk about specific improvements I would implement for Midjourney in this article, even though I have many, MANY UX ideas for it. Instead I figured it would be cool to outline what I would do if I were hired as ‘VP of Product Design’ at Midjourney, or any other company that has an amazing generative AI product but no UX practice. Midjourney is already amazing but it could be so much better still.

Let’s dig in.

Phase 1: Understanding the Current Situation

1.1 Conduct an Audit

Product Assessment

The first step in redefining the user experience is to acknowledge the flaws within the existing system. As a generative AI company, Midjourney has complex use cases, and that complexity can easily translate into a convoluted user experience. Therefore, the product assessment will consist of:

  • Heuristic Evaluations: A systematic review by UX experts will be conducted, focusing on identified usability principles tailored to AI interfaces.

  • Expert Reviews: External reviews from professionals in the AI and design fields can offer unbiased opinions on where the UI/UX stands.

  • Analytics and Usage Data Analysis: By digging into how users interact with the product, we can pinpoint the exact areas where users struggle.

  • Quick Fixes and Long-term Goals: From these assessments, the team can quickly address glaring issues while planning a roadmap for comprehensive enhancements.

A blunt and honest approach is vital here. We know there are many issues, and shying away from them won't help. Our objective is to turn weaknesses into opportunities for innovation.

Stakeholder Interviews

  • Understanding the “how” and “why” behind the current situation is pivotal. Engaging with stakeholders gives insights into the history and the business objectives that shaped the existing product. Here's how we'll approach it:

  • Identifying Key Stakeholders: Including top management, product managers, developers, marketing, and customer support teams.

  • One-on-One Interviews: To create an open and candid environment for sharing insights, concerns, and visions.

  • Group Discussions: To foster cross-departmental understanding and collaboration.

  • Documentation and Analysis: Detailed notes and analysis of these conversations will help us form a complete picture of the company's objectives and how they align with the user needs.

By engaging internal stakeholders and conducting a thorough product assessment, we'll gain an understanding of where the product stands and the underlying reasons that have led to the present state. It's not about pointing fingers but about laying a solid foundation upon which to build a product that truly resonates with the users.

1.2 User Research

The core of every successful product lies in understanding its users. As an AI-driven company, Midjourney's product inherently has different levels of complexity for different users. This phase will strive to empathize with these users and understand the nuances of their interaction with the product.

Interviews and Surveys

Understanding users' experiences and challenges is paramount, and for Midjourney, this means going beyond mere surface-level engagement. Here’s the strategy:

  • Selection of Participants: Including both experienced users and total novices ensures a full spectrum of insights.

  • In-Depth Interviews: One-on-one sessions, where I’d spend significant time discussing and observing users interacting with the product.

  • Supplementary Surveys: Broader, quantitative surveys to validate qualitative findings.

  • Observation and Task Analysis: Watching users complete specific tasks, noting where they succeed and where they stumble.

  • Immediate Iterations: Identifying quick improvements and testing them out on the fly.

  • Synthesis: Creating detailed reports that capture both the numbers and the narratives.

This isn't just about asking questions; it's about listening, observing, and engaging with the users, about feeling their frustrations and sharing their triumphs.

Personas and Journey Mapping

  • Creating user personas and journey maps goes beyond superficial archetypes; it’s about humanizing the data and connecting it to real-world scenarios.

  • Personas Creation: Based on collected data, crafting detailed personas that embody real user types.

  • Objectives Alignment: What are the core objectives of these personas? What are they looking to achieve with Midjourney's product?

  • Journey Mapping: Creating detailed maps of how these personas navigate through the product, step by step.

  • Spotting Dead Ends: Identifying points where users get stuck, confused, or give up altogether.

  • Alignment with Business Goals: Ensuring that the users' goals are aligned with Midjourney's overarching business objectives.

Every touchpoint, every click, every hesitation and sigh will be charted. The goal here is to know the users’ journey so intimately that predicting their next step becomes second nature. 

Through rigorous user research, Midjourney will attain a deep and genuine understanding of its users. The granular details collected will be the pillars upon which the enhanced UX will be built. It will help us sculpt a product that’s not just usable but delightful and efficient for all user levels.

Phase 2: Assemble the Dream Team

Building a world-class UX team means more than just gathering skilled individuals; it's about creating an ecosystem where creativity thrives, and collaboration is not just a buzzword but a daily practice.

2.1 Roles Needed

Creating an AI product with superior user experience requires a multifaceted team, where each role adds a unique value. Here's how the roles will shape up:

  • UX & Interaction Designers: Crafting designs that align with user needs is the essence of UX. These professionals will ensure that Midjourney's product speaks the language of its users, both in visual aesthetics and functionality.

  • User Researchers: The product's evolution should be driven by constant user feedback. User Researchers will conduct continuous research to understand user needs, identify pain points, and translate findings into actionable insights.

  • Prototypers (UX Engineers): The world of AI is fast-paced, and so should be the design process. Prototypers will develop high-fidelity, realistic prototypes to test and validate design decisions. Their expertise in creating 'true to life' prototypes in a short span will be leveraged to keep the design process agile and user-centric.

These roles aren't just titles; they represent a fusion of skills, empathy, and dedication to building a product that not just serves but delights the users.

2.2 Collaborative Culture

A truly effective UX practice must permeate every layer of the organization. Here's how collaboration will be cultivated:

Cross-Department Collaboration

  • Multi-Disciplinary Workshops: Regular workshops involving marketing, engineering, sales, and other departments.

  • Design Sprints: Fast-paced, iterative design processes that engage everyone's creativity.

  • Brainstorming Sessions: Encouraging all stakeholders to contribute ideas to enhance user experience.

Encourage an Open Culture

  • Office Hours: Regular availability of the UX team to discuss ideas, share feedback, and collaborate.

  • Open Slack Channels: Transparent communication platforms to keep the dialogue flowing.

  • Demo and Drinks Fridays: Casual gatherings where the team can showcase progress and foster a culture of appreciation and camaraderie.

A robust UX team is more than just a collection of skilled individuals; it's a synergistic organism that thrives on collaboration, creativity, and a shared commitment to the user. In Midjourney's context, fostering this culture will help in translating complex AI algorithms into simple and delightful user experiences.

This team will not be confined to a department; they will be the pulse of Midjourney, the bridge that connects users to technology. It's about time that AI became not just powerful but also accessible, intuitive, and enjoyable.

Phase 3: Strategy and Framework

Creating an excellent user experience requires a comprehensive strategy and a robust framework to ensure that the design aligns with both business objectives and user needs.

3.1 Develop UX Guidelines

A cohesive design approach is essential to make the product not just usable but memorable. This involves:

  • Design Principles: Crafting principles that encapsulate Midjourney's ethos and serve as a north star for all design decisions.

Design System:

  • Typography: Selecting typefaces that reflect the brand's voice.

  • Color Palette: Choosing colors that resonate with the brand's identity.

  • Component Library: Creating reusable components that allow for consistent design across the product.

  • Alignment with Business Goals: Ensuring that the system enhances the overall objectives of Midjourney.

  • Accessibility Guidelines: Adhering to standards like WCAG to make sure the product is accessible to everyone, regardless of disabilities. This includes creating alternative text, color contrast, keyboard accessibility, and more.

3.2 Prototyping and Usability Testing

Prototyping and testing are the heartbeats of the UX process. Here's the strategy for Midjourney:

Prototyping Tools:

  • Sketch/Figma: For low to mid-fidelity prototypes.

  • Real Code Prototyping: For high-fidelity, realistic prototypes, working closely with developers to build interactive versions.

Testing Environment:

  • In-House Lab: Creating a space for live user testing.

  • Remote Tools: Utilizing tools like Lookback or UserTesting for remote testing.

Iterative Design Process:

  • Rapid Iterations: Making immediate changes based on feedback.

  • Regular Review Cycles: Weekly or bi-weekly reviews with users.

  • Alignment with Development: Ensuring that the design iterations are in sync with the development lifecycle.

This phase emphasizes building a structured yet flexible framework that allows for innovation while adhering to standards. The focus on iterative design, coupled with strong guidelines, will create a fertile ground for creativity without losing sight of user needs and brand values.

In Midjourney's context, this approach will not only polish the existing product but also pave the way for future expansions. By embedding user-centered thinking into every aspect of the design process, Midjourney will be positioned to translate its powerful AI into an approachable and delightful experience for all users, regardless of their technical inclinations.

Phase 4: Implementation and Monitoring

After crafting the strategy, assembling the dream team, and laying down the guidelines, it's time to bring the vision to life. This phase is about implementing the design and constantly monitoring it for continuous improvement.

4.1 Seamless Collaboration with Development

Ensuring that design and development work hand in hand will lead to a product that not only looks great but works flawlessly.

Agile Methodology:

  • Sprints: Design and engineering working together in iterative cycles.

  • Regular Stand-Ups: Daily or bi-weekly meetings to discuss progress, hurdles, and collaboration.

  • Shared Backlog Management: Having a joint backlog ensures that priorities are aligned.

Tool Integration:

  • Version Control Systems: Integration with tools like Git to maintain a seamless workflow between design and coding.

  • Design-Development Handoff Tools: Platforms like Zeplin or Avocode that foster collaboration between designers and developers.

  • Automated Workflow: Creating automated pipelines that link design updates to development stages.

4.2 Continuous Improvement

The journey doesn't end at launch; it's a continuous process of learning, iterating, and enhancing.

KPIs and Analytics:

  • Define Success Metrics: What does success look like for Midjourney? Is it user engagement, retention, conversion? Define it clearly.

  • Monitor with Analytics Tools: Tools like Google Analytics, Mixpanel, etc., to keep track of how users are interacting with the product.

  • Regular Performance Review: Weekly or monthly performance evaluations based on the set KPIs.

User Feedback Loop:

  • In-Product Surveys/Feedback Forms: A continuous mechanism to gather user feedback within the product itself.

  • 1:1 Feedback Sessions: Regular interactions with users to dive deeper into their experiences.

  • Trusted User Pool: Establishing relationships with a subset of users for ongoing insights and validations.

This phase is about making the abstract tangible and ensuring that the vision becomes a reality. By fostering a close relationship between design and development and keeping an ever-watchful eye on user feedback and performance, Midjourney will maintain a product that not only serves its initial purpose but continues to evolve and delight its users.

The key here is not just building a product but nurturing it as a living entity that grows with its users. It's about creating a design that's not static but dynamic, alive, and ever-evolving. That's what will set Midjourney apart in the AI landscape.

Phase 5: Education and Advocacy

Transforming a product's UX isn't merely a task for the design team; it's a cultural shift that involves the entire organization. Additionally, engaging with the wider community helps maintain industry leadership and a pioneering spirit.

5.1 Internal Workshops

Investing in the education of the whole company is vital to foster a user-centered mindset.

Regular Training on UX Principles:

  • Scheduled Workshops: Regular in-house workshops led by the UX team or external experts.

  • Tailored Curriculum: Courses tailored for different departments to highlight the role of UX in their specific functions.

  • Hands-on Activities: Engaging team members in real design challenges to create empathy with users.

5.2 Showcase Success Stories

Celebrate and demonstrate the successes, reinforcing the importance of UX to the whole organization.

Regular Demo Sessions:

  • Monthly or Quarterly Showcases: Sharing the latest UX improvements and their positive impacts.

  • Cross-Department Participation: Include teams from marketing to engineering to show the all-encompassing effect of good UX.

  • Open Q&A: Encourage questions and discussions to foster understanding and engagement.

5.3 Community Engagement

Become a leader in the UX field by contributing to the broader community.

Engage in National or Global Design Community:

  • Public Talks: Represent Midjourney at conferences, webinars, or podcasts.

  • Publications: Write articles, blogs, or even books about the unique UX approach at Midjourney.

  • Collaborate with Educational Institutions: Partner with universities and colleges for guest lectures or workshops, nourishing the next generation of designers.

  • Host Community Events: Open the doors for local meetups or conferences, positioning Midjourney as a hub for UX excellence.

By implementing Phase 5, Midjourney will not only elevate its product but also foster a culture where UX is a shared value and mission. Furthermore, by taking an active role in the broader UX community, Midjourney establishes itself as a thought leader, contributing to the ongoing evolution of the field. It's about creating a ripple effect, where the commitment to exceptional UX extends beyond the product to influence the industry and the next generation of designers.

In this way, Midjourney won't just be another AI company; it'll be a beacon for user-centered design, setting standards, inspiring peers, and nurturing future talents.

If you made it through this entire article: thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed. I welcome any feedback, suggestions and other interesting insights!


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