
The Deoxyreibonucleic Hyperdimension

In the early 1990s I discovered the most bizarre website I had EVER seen. To this day: deoxy.org.

The Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension. A.K.A. deoxy dot org. It's still up and running believe it or not!

I saw a trippy looking post tonight and for some reason it triggered the memory of that site. So my disturbed mind thought: "What if I just put that name as a text to video prompt into


Gen-2 as a prompt and once again... LET IT RIP with the motion cranked up to 10?"

And so it happened. Another insane acid trip taking me back to my all nighter rave party past. This one is even more wild than the one I posted earlier.

The best part is how every now and then the video escapes from the strange realm it's set in and provides a brief glimpse into the real world. I absolutely love everything about this. I hope you do too.

Party on. You can sleep when you're dead.

Music courtesy of Pixabay Music. "Walking Upright" by AntipodeanWriter.


You are a part of something far greater

